So this is an idea we've had for a while and a few people around the globe are making plush poos but we decided to do our own take on it... and as they say you can't do poos without wees!
We then thought about making other bodily functions into plush, sooooo... we made snot!
Here's something cool we found on the YouTubes, it's from a few months back when we made a Gungi Plushie for What Now, they were giving him away as part of a competition...
Yip that's right we're involved in 3 in the next few months and here's our entries. Firstly here's our contribution to this years Plush You at Schmancy in Seatttle. His name is Fernando the Tattooed...
Check out his wallet...
The 2nd is a show at Red Hot Robot in Phoenix, Arizona, called Dia De Los Plush. It's a Day Of The Dead Plush exhibition and perfect for our "Sugar Skully-Wags"...
This lady has a special addition, a crocheted flower!
And finally our submission into the Plush It show at Ruban Rat in Sydney, Australia...
Last year we were involved in a cool plush exhibition in at Schmancy in Seatttle and they've asked us to contribute to this years show. It's a lot of fun making toys for things like this, especially when their so far away from New Zealand! So here's a sneak peek at what we made, we'll show the whole toy closer to the show in October. We were also just interviewed by Kristen over at the Plush You blog so go have a read...
A while ago we were asked to particate in a cool Plush Exhibition Ruban Rat in Sydney Australia called "Plush It". The idea of the show is that each artist is given the same template or shape and can do what ever they want to it, similar to vinyl custom shows. Here's some behind the scenes pics of us making our toy, we'll unveil what the finished product looks like closer to the show in November...
We also answered a few questions for them, check out our interview here!!
So this is pretty cool, we were asked to make a plush toy of Gungi from Mukpuddy's cartoon Sparkle Friends (see clip below). It's gonna be used as the prize for a competition on What Now (the kids variety show Sparkle Friends plays on), and kids have to draw themselves as a Sparkle Friend with Gungi. It's gonna be really cool to see what kids come up with and one will be lucky enough to win this handmade one-of-a-kind Gungi Plushy!!! Here's the latest episode...
So here's us making it...
And heres the toy, not sure if the photos do it justice really...